Liskov Substitution Principle with an explanation using Composition Over Inheritance

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is another important design principle in object-oriented programming. It’s named after Barbara Liskov, who introduced the concept in a 1987 paper. The idea behind LSP is that objects of a superclass should be able to be replaced with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program. In other words, if you have a piece of code that works with a superclass, you should be able to replace that superclass with any of its subclasses and the program will still work correctly.

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Test-Driven Development - Writing Clean Code with Confidence

Test-driven development, or TDD, is a software engineering technique that emphasizes writing automated tests before writing the actual production code. The goal of TDD is to ensure that all aspects of the code function as intended and that bugs and errors are caught early on. In this blog, we’ll explore the principles of TDD and explain how TDD complements Clean Code.

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Clean Code - Why Loose Coupling and High Cohesion Matter

When it comes to software design, one principle that’s often emphasized is the importance of writing “clean” code. Clean code refers to code that is easy to read, easy to maintain, and easy to extend over time. It’s code that is organized, modular, and free from clutter. But what makes code clean? And, more importantly, how do we achieve it?

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An Introduction to The Clean Architecture - Techniques for Improving Software Quality

A good software architecture is essential for a product’s success. A poorly designed architecture can lead to spaghetti code, high coupling, low cohesion, technical debt, and a decrease in productivty. Software architecture principles such as loose coupling and high cohesion are important in designing clean architecture. In this blog, we’ll explore what a Clean Architecture is, its benefits, and how loose coupling and high cohesion fit into it with code examples.

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